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Veterinary Partner

The Veterinary Partner website provides pet owners with information about general pet health and care, nutrition, behavior, first aid and emergency preparedness, medications and various medical conditions. Whatever you’re looking for, if it’s information that will make your pet happier and healthier, you’ll find it here! Try browsing around in the Pet Connection with nationally syndicated pet expert and author Gina Spadafori. You can even submit your question to be answered by a veterinary professional.

Healthy Pet by American Animal Hospital Association

A wealth of resources from the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA), including pet care resources, information on breed, behavior, disease, animal bond, nutrition, pet care tips, preventive care info, adoption, relocation and travel tips, as well as a section dedicated to children, which contains a variety of fun animal-related games and activities.


The CatInfo website contains a wealth of information to help cat owners keep their feline companions happy and healthy. Learn about proper feline diet and nutrition, browse general cat health topics, and explore a variety of other helpful resources designed to help you help your cat enjoy a lifetime of good health.s.

ASPCA Poison Control

This is an excellent online resource for any animal poison-related emergency, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The ASPCA’s Animal Poison Control Center provides a helpful quick reference list of common plants that are known to be poisonous to pets. It also provides further information regarding symptoms and the degree of toxicity.

Pets and Parasites

The Companion Animal Parasite Council (CAPC) is an independent council of veterinarians, veterinary parasitologists, and other animal health care professionals that was established to create guidelines for the optimal control of internal and external parasites that threaten the health of pets and people. The Pets and Parasites website provides a wealth of information for dog and cat owners and educational resources to help keep pets safe from dangerous parasites.

Worms & Germs Blog

Worms & Germs Blog is an educational website coordinated by Drs. Scott Weese and Maureen Anderson of the Ontario Veterinary College’s Centre for Public Health and Zoonoses. The website focuses on infectious diseases of companion animals (household pets and horses), particularly diseases that can be transmitted from animals to people. In reality, they take a broader approach, considering diseases that can be spread from animals to people AND from people to animals. Access this wealth of information by visiting the Worms & Germs website.

American Heartworm Society

The mission of the American Heartworm Society (AHS) is to lead the veterinary profession and the public in the understanding of heartworm disease. Their objectives are to further scientific progress in the study of heartworm disease, inform the membership of new developments, and encourage and help promote effective procedures for the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of heartworm disease. The AHS website contains information about the society and its work, as well as a number of helpful resources for veterinary professionals and pet owners.